Dai Nam University

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I. Establishment Process

Fifteen years ago, Dai Nam University received authorization from the Prime Minister to commence official operations and admit students, as per Decision No. 1535/QD-TTg DHDN. Since then, November 14 has been celebrated as the official anniversary of Dai Nam University.
The proud history of Dai Nam University traces back to June 2005 when Dr. Le Dac Son, then General Director of VPBank, along with 12 scientists, undertook the establishment project under the guidance of the Vietnam Construction Association.
After two years of preparations to meet the requirements for operating licenses from the Prime Minister, the founders of Dai Nam University diligently accomplished the following tasks:

  • Firstly, they constructed a comprehensive set of scientific justifications to demonstrate the necessity of establishing Dai Nam University within the government’s university network plan, along with an extensive collection of economic and technical justifications for the intended training programs.
  • Secondly, they assembled a complete faculty team for the designated majors, consisting of individuals with academic titles, ranks, and degrees in accordance with the regulations set by the Ministry of Education and Training.
  • Thirdly, they demonstrated their financial capacity by raising a total of VND 30 billion in a bank account contributed by the founders to establish the university. This amount represented the minimum required charter capital prescribed by the State at that time. Presently, the minimum charter capital is VND 1,000 billion.
  • Fourthly, they ensured compliance with infrastructure requirements, presenting the necessary documentation to acquire 10.5 hectares of land from the local government (then the People’s Committee of Ha Tay province) for the future development of the Dai Nam University complex.
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In June 2007, the Founding Council submitted a comprehensive application for a license to the Ministry of Education and Training and the Government Office. After almost six months of review and evaluation, the management agencies submitted the application to the Prime Minister for approval.

On November 14, 2007, following nearly two and a half years of diligently establishing the necessary conditions to ensure training quality, Dai Nam University was granted approval for its establishment by the Prime Minister, along with recognition by the Ministry of Education and Training. Dr. Le Dac Son officially became the first Chairman of the University’s Board of Directors.

The inaugural Board of Directors of Dai Nam University comprised six members, assigned as follows:

  • Mr. Le Dac Son – Chairman
  • Mr. Do Quan – Vice Chairman
  • Mr. Le Dinh Dao – Vice Chairman
  • Mr. Doan Hong Nam – Commissioner
  • Mr. Le Dac Lam – Commissioner
  • Mr. Phan Ngoc Hieu – Commissioner



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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