East Europian University

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Secure an education that shapes your future!

EEU, an accredited private university in Georgia, is committed to upholding international educational standards in teaching and research. It aims to establish a renowned educational institution centered around democratic ideals and humanism.
In 2012, EEU received authorization and program accreditation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
Currently, EEU offers 19 Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degree programs across faculties such as Law and Social Sciences, Business and Engineering, and Healthcare Sciences. The university provides an exceptional learning and research environment, supported by modern academic programs, highly qualified professors, and top-notch infrastructure. All the necessary facilities for studying and scientific activities are available on campus.

Within a short span of time, our university has made remarkable progress in establishing a reputable educational institution that has gained the trust of over 20,000 applicants who took the Unified Entry Examinations from 2013 to 2016.

EEU offers English-medium BBA and MBA programs, as well as a Digital Management Program in collaboration with Fresenius University. This collaboration provides students with a unique opportunity to obtain a German degree in Digital Management.
These programs are designed based on the analysis and experience of Western universities, taking into account the requirements of the contemporary job market. The study process incorporates various methods and technologies of modern education.
EEU programs offer numerous benefits, including professional networking, employment opportunities, and additional facilities for personal development. Students have the chance to intern at over 150 partner companies, which include state agencies, public and private organizations, major hospitals in Georgia, pharmaceutical companies, and more.
One of the key strengths of EEU is its highly qualified academic staff, consisting of renowned Georgian and overseas professors, motivated practitioners, and young specialists. The university has established intensive partnerships with numerous European universities, enabling the involvement of American, Austrian, British, and French professors in the implementation of all educational programs.

Studying at EEU leads to modern practical knowledge and a successful career. Your future success is guaranteed by EEU, thanks to:

  • Modern academic programs
  • Experienced and highly qualified academic staff
  • International exchange programs and double degree opportunities with British and other European universities
  • Possibility of internships at over 150 partner companies
  • Opportunities for personal development
  • Student-centered environment
  • Best infrastructure
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Additional Benefits for International Students at EEU!

  • Georgia, with its rich culture, history, and tourist attractions, has become a new study destination for thousands of foreign students.
  • EEU is one of the few universities in Georgia offering BBA & MBA, Digital Management, and Medical Doctor study programs in English for international students.
  • Georgia has a low fee structure and a low cost of living.
  • Double degree opportunities are available with Fresenius University in Germany.
  • The high-quality programs at EEU are regulated and accredited by the Ministry of Education of Georgia.
  • EEU is led by a strong management team with extensive experience in the education industry.



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(10am - 05 pm)